K12 Program

The Neuro-EM Scholars K12 Program supports clinically practicing emergency medicine faculty proposing research focused on neurological disorders commonly treated in the pre-hospital and emergency department settings.

How to Apply

The application for the Neuro-EM Scholars Program requires a brief letter of intent (LOI), a full written application, and an in-person interview.

The 2025 application instructions will be released by the end of April and will be similar to the 2024 call for funding.

Upcoming Deadlines

September 3, 2025
Brief LOI and draft aims page due

October 1, 2025
Written K application due (no invitation required)

December 2-5, 2025
In-person interviews conducted at Neuro-EM Retreat

January 2026
Award notifications made


  • Applicants must be clinically practicing emergency medicine physicians within their first two years of a faculty position (after residency or fellowship training) at the time of application.

  • Applicants must be citizens or noncitizen nationals of the U.S. or have been lawfully admitted for permanent residence at the time of appointment.

  • Candidates must be conducting research within the missions of NINDS, NIDA, or NIA. Any type of research is accepted (e.g., basic, clinical, translational, health services).


The Neuro-EM Scholars Program typically funds 3 new scholars each year and provides up to 3 years of support for each scholar, including:

  • $115,000/year for candidate salary (covering 75% full-time professional effort/year), plus a fringe rate up to 35%

  • $40,000/year for research and career development costs

  • 8% indirect cost rate


  • Applicants must dedicate 75% effort to their research and career development during the first 3 years of the program, and they must have a commitment from their department chair to provide 2 additional years of at least 50% protected time for research after the Neuro-EM Program funding period ends. 

  • Applicants are required to attend the Annual Neuro-EM Program Retreat and will be interviewed by Program Leadership during the meeting. 

  • Funded Neuro-EM Program scholars are expected to attend the Retreat during the 3 years of K12 funding, plus the 2 years immediately following K12 funding (i.e. for 5 consecutive years).

  • Scholars are expected to submit an individual NIH K application (e.g., K08, K23) or R01-equivalent by halfway through the third year of the K12 program.

Have a question or want to learn more about the program?

Fill out the contact form to the right, and a member of the Neuro-EM Scholars Program team will connect with you about your request.