Neuro-EM Resources
Funding Opportunities and Career Development Resources for Early-Career EM Researchers
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Funding Opportunities
Current Opportunities
National Foundation for Emergency Medicine Scholar/Mentor Program
Open to junior EM faculty in their 5th year or earlier. Provides $30k for 2 years. Applications are due March 14, 2025.
Opportunities include K08, K23, and K02 grants. NIH K deadlines are February 12, June 12, and October 12 every year.
Doctors Company Foundation Grants Program
Supports patient safety research and innovative projects that develop knowledge, techniques, and tools to reduce or eliminate risk of adverse events. LOIs are due March 19, 2025.
Supports early career researchers. Scope includes emergency medicine, critical care, trauma, cardiovascular health, pulmonary health, neuroscience, and translational research. Provides between $25k-100k. Deadlines are March 31 and September 30 every year.
ABEM Emergency Medicine Fellowship
Provides 10-20% salary support over 2 years for non-tenured EM faculty interested in evidence-based healthcare or public health studies. Nominations are due June 3, 2025.
Paralyzed Veterans of America Research Foundation Grants Program
Supports innovative research and fellowships that improve the lives of those with spinal cord injury and disease. Grants are for $150k-200k. Applications are due July 1, 2025.
Upcoming Opportunities
DoD Spinal Cord Injury Research Program
A pre-announcement has been released for the 2025 program.
DoD TBI and Psychological Health Research Program
A pre-announcement has been released for the 2025 program.
Most SAEMF grants will open May 1 and be due on Aug 1, 2025.
Emergency Medicine Foundation (EMF) funding
Deadlines have passed for 2025 opportunities.
American Heart Association (AHA) funding
Deadlines have passed for 2025 opportunities.
Brain Injury Association of America Seed Grants
Deadlines have not been announced for 2025.
Blueprint NeuroTech Incubator Hub
Deadlines have not been announced for 2025.
Neuro-EM Presentations
Coming soon! Check back here for recordings of official Neuro-EM events and webinars.
Research Opportunities
E-QUAL is a free learning collaborative that EDs participate in. E-QUAL data is available for analysis, including data on ED resourcing, staffing and capabilities, and de-identified patient charts for ischemic and hemorrhagic stroke, and data from hospitals that participate in the Get With The Guideline program.
Have a question or want to learn more about the program?
Fill out the contact form to the right, and a member of the Neuro-EM Scholars Program team will connect with you about your request.